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Static methods

Without having to initialize any AutoNumeric object, you can directly use the static AutoNumeric class functions.


Some of those functions can be used in Web Workers.


Method Description Call example
getAutoNumericElement Return the AutoNumeric object that manages the given DOM element AutoNumeric.getAutoNumericElement(domElement)
getDefaultConfig Return the default autoNumeric settings AutoNumeric.getDefaultConfig()
getFormatted Return the formatted string from the given DOM element or query selector.
This can accept a callback that is passed the result of getFormatted and a reference to the AutoNumeric object.
AutoNumeric.getFormatted(domElement, callback);
getLocalized Return the localized unformatted number as a string from the given DOM element or query selector.
This can accept a callback that is passed the result of getLocalized and a reference to the AutoNumeric object.
AutoNumeric.getLocalized(domElement, forcedOutputFormat, callback);
getNumber Return the unformatted number as a number from the given DOM element or query selector (The same warnings got the non-static getNumber method applies here too).
This can accept a callback that is passed the result of getNumber and a reference to the AutoNumeric object.
AutoNumeric.getNumber(domElement, callback);
getNumericString Return the unformatted number as a string from the given DOM element or query selector.
This can accept a callback that is passed the result of getNumericString and a reference to the AutoNumeric object.
AutoNumeric.getNumericString(domElement, callback)
getPredefinedOptions Return all the predefined options in one object AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions()
getPredefinedOptions Return a specific pre-defined language option object AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().French


Method Description Call example
localizeAndSet Unformat and localize the domElement value with the given options and returns the localized value as a string. This function does update that element value with the newly localized value in the process. AutoNumeric.localizeAndSet(domElement, { options });
formatAndSet Format the domElement value with the given options and returns the formatted value as a string. This function does update that element value with the newly formatted value in the process. AutoNumeric.formatAndSet(domElement, { options });
reformatAndSet Recursively format all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the referenceToTheDomElement element given as a parameter (this is usually the parent <form> element), with the settings of each AutoNumeric elements. AutoNumeric.reformatAndSet(referenceToTheDomElement);
set Set the given value on the AutoNumeric object that manages the given DOM element, if any. Returns null if no AutoNumeric object is found, otherwise returns the AutoNumeric object. AutoNumeric.set(domElement, 42)
AutoNumeric.set('#theInput', 42)
unformatAndSet Unformat the domElement value with the given options and returns the unformatted value as a numeric string. This function does update that element value with the newly unformatted value in the process. AutoNumeric.unformatAndSet(domElement, { options });
unformatAndSet Recursively unformat all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the referenceToTheDomElement element given as a parameter (this is usually the parent <form> element) AutoNumeric.unformatAndSet(referenceToTheDomElement);


Method Description Call example
format Format the given number with the given options. This returns the formatted value as a string. AutoNumeric.format(12345.21, { options });
format Idem above, but using a numeric string as the first parameter AutoNumeric.format('12345.21', { options });
format Idem above, but you can pass as many option objects you want to this function, the latter overwriting the previous ones. This allows to correctly format currencies that have a predefined option as its base, but has been slightly modified. AutoNumeric.format('12345.21', { options1 }, { options2 });
format Idem above, using multiple option objects in one array. This way allows for using a pre-defined option name. AutoNumeric.format('12345.21', [{ options1 }, 'euroPos', { options2 }]);
format Format the domElement value (or textContent) with the given options and returns the formatted value as a string. This does not update that element value. AutoNumeric.format(domElement, { options });
localize Unformat and localize the given formatted string with the given options. This returns a string. AutoNumeric.localize('1.234,56 €', { options });
localize Idem as above, but return the localized DOM element value. This does not update that element value. AutoNumeric.localize(domElement, { options });
unformat Unformat the given formatted string with the given options. This returns a numeric string. AutoNumeric.unformat('1.234,56 €', { options });
unformat Idem above, but you can pass as many option objects you want to this function, the latter overwriting the previous ones. This allows to correctly unformat currencies that have a predefined option as its base, but has been slightly modified. AutoNumeric.unformat('241800,02 €', AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().French, { digitGroupSeparator: AutoNumeric.options.digitGroupSeparator.noSeparator });
unformat Idem above, using multiple option objects in one array. This way allows for using a pre-defined option name. AutoNumeric.unformat('1.234,56 €', [{ options1 }, 'euroPos', { options2 }]);
unformat Unformat the domElement value with the given options and returns the unformatted numeric string. This does not update that element value. AutoNumeric.unformat(domElement, { options });

Tests and miscellaneous

Method Description Call example
areSettingsValid Return true in the settings are valid AutoNumeric.areSettingsValid({ options })
isManagedByAutoNumeric Return true if the given DOM element (or selector string) has an AutoNumeric object that manages it. AutoNumeric.isManagedByAutoNumeric(domElement);
mergeOptions Accepts an array of option objects and / or pre-defined option names, and return a single option object where the latter element overwrite the settings from the previous ones AutoNumeric.mergeOptions(['euro', { currencySymbol: '#' }]);
test Test if the given DOM element (or selector string) is already managed by AutoNumeric (if it is initialized) AutoNumeric.test(domElement);
validate Check if the given option object is valid, and that each option is valid as well. This throws an error if it's not. AutoNumeric.validate({ options })
version Return the current AutoNumeric version number (for debugging purpose) AutoNumeric.version();